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Te Karanga ki ngā Taniwha

Resident Artist Kōrero and Q + A

Linda Lee

Monday 14 August

5:30 - 7pm

Cap 20

Join artist in residence Linda Lee for a kōrero and Q + A session about her journey as an artist, a misfit, a wanderer, a teacher, a producer - the shifts that sweep you in new directions… the twists and turns that shape pathways, the successes and the fuck ups.


This will be an informal and intimate space for sharing between other artists.

Linda Lee, Self Portait in Mirror with Camera, 2018.

A mixed media, mixed race artist who terms her work “auto-fiction”, Linda fluidly has dealt with life’s ordeals - new discoveries, highs and lows through her art.


After the Ōtautahi earthquakes, returning home from two years of travel, at a time when she was feeling stagnant as an artist, she responded to the Shared Lines call for an international art exchange between Christchurch and Sendai, Japan. From then on being an arts producer became a passion. She has carried on that journey for the past 13 years - that was her new kind of “creative”.


Having always been interested by identity, it wasn’t until she delved into raranga in 2017 that she  had a new shift, she entered the world of understanding herself as truly mixed race, a big calling and slow process to understand Te Ao Māori, leading her to this kaupapa and this residency today.

* If you are unable to make it please cancel your booking on the Google booking form.

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